How Anemia Affects Hair

How Anemia Affects Hair?


What is Anemia?

Anemia is a condition in which we do not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry enough oxygen to the tissues of our body.

What are the Symptoms of Anemia?

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Pale skin
  • Dizziness
  • Nails breaking quickly
  • Hair loss
  • Nervousness
  • Sores in the mouth
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breath

Symptoms may be mild in the first period of anemia, but worsen in later periods.

What Causes Anemia?

  • Our body does not produce enough red blood cells
  • Bleeding
  • Our body destroys red blood cells

Decrease in the amount of hemoglobin causes anemia

Blood contains different cells in it. The red blood cells in the blood are responsible for distributing oxygen to our body. Having less red blood cells or not being able to carry oxygen sufficiently causes anemia. Anemia is the result of decreased hemoglobin.

Iron deficiency causes anemia

Women need more iron than men. Anemia occurs when the amount of iron that body needs is insufficient.

Types and Causes of Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia: The most common type of anemia is iron deficiency anemia. We need iron for hemoglobin production. If there is not enough iron, the body cannot produce sufficient amount of hemoglobin.

Vitamin deficiency anemia: Our body needs Folate and Vitamin B12 to produce healthy and sufficient blood.

Anemia of Chronic Disease: Certain diseases (such as cancer, AIDS, kidney disease, Crohn's and other chronic inflammatory diseases) can prevent our red blood cells from being produced.

Severe Anemia: It occurs when our body cannot produce enough red blood. Infections, some drugs, autoimmune diseases and toxic chemicals are among the causes.

Anemia due to bone marrow disease: Some diseases (such as leukemia, myelefibrosis) affect blood production in the bone marrow and cause anemia.

Hemolytic anemia: It is a type of anemia that can develop genetically but it does not mean that it is always due to genetics. It occurs when red blood cells are destroyed faster than bone marrow.

Sickle cell anemia: It is a hereditary type of anemia. It causes chronic red blood cell shortage due to defective hemoglobin form.

How Does Anemia Affect Our Hair?

It can be said that if our blood values are good, it affects our hair health positively. To create a strong hair, our hair cells get the energy, oxygen and nutrients they need from our bloodstream. Therefore, our blood values cause changes in our hair.

When our blood values decrease, our hair becomes dull and lifeless and problems such as breakage and hair loss may occur. At the same time, anemia causes hair loss genetically in women, so hair loss starts earlier. The most important blood values affecting our hair are Iron, B12, Ferritin, Zinc, Folic, Biotin, Acid and Vitamin D. Even when these values approach the lower limit, hair loss may occur. Even the decrease only in iron causes hair loss.

The causes of hair loss should be analyzed and treated correctly. If you are dealing with anemia, you should see a doctor and eat foods that are rich in iron.