Causes of Hair Loss at Early Age

Causes of Hair Loss at Early Age


Our hair is one of our biggest accessories. Each hair strand has a certain life span. Losing 50-100 hair strands a day is considered normal. However, if there is more hair loss than this, the situation should be taken seriously. The first step to prevent hair loss is correct diagnosis. If there is a serious hair loss problem, you should see a dermatologist and start the right treatment. Also, you should not use hair care products without consulting to an expert. Incorrect treatments can cause bigger skin and hormonal diseases.

Causes of Hair Loss at Early Age

Hair loss may occur due to seasonal changes, genetic inheritance, hormonal disorders, allergic reactions, malnutrition, iron deficiency, and wrong product use. This loss may be temporary or permanent. The important thing is to diagnose and apply the correct treatment.

Genetic factors are one of the leading causes of early hair loss. If one of your parents experienced hair loss at an early age, there is a high chance that you will also have this problem. In addition to genetic factors, among the reasons for this situation to be seen more in the past years, there are unbalanced nutrition, prolonged fasting and hormonal problems. In addition to the treatments that are applied for both men and women, success rates can be increased in women by adding hormonal treatments.